Login 855-GWYNNIE (855-499-6643)

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Gwynnie Bee is a monthly subscription service for size 10-28. You pay a monthly fee for access to an unlimited wardrobe and unlimited free shipping.

We offer a 30 day free trial period - there's no reason not to try it. Have fun with fashion. Enjoy and exchange.

Create an Account.
Simply use your email address and set a password.

Browse the collection.
Check out all the designers, styles and looks you'll love.

After you look around, Subscribe.
While we ask for your credit card, the first 30 days are on us (free!). Billing starts on the 31st day. Also, have no fear: You can cancel online at any time by clicking a button in your account page.

Add clothes to your virtual closet.
Try fun stuff. It's rental - not ownership. Explore and be adventurous.

Wear it. Rock it. Love it.
It takes 2-4 days for your box to arrive, filled with items that you've selected and put in your closet.

Send back what you like, when you like.
Using the pre-paid bags, send back as many garments as you like: one, two, three, or all at once. Your choice. We handle the cleaning, so send it back in any state.

As soon as you let us know you're dropping garments in the mail, we start preparing your next box with as many garments as you sent us.

Repeat steps 4-6
Continue your relationship with Gwynnie Bee!

Create an account to become a member!


Clothing without Commitment

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